EDYCJA 2014 WARSZTATOW ZAKONCZONA- zapraszamy wkrotce
Amy Seeley is a Meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Chicago, and has been there for the past 20 years. She graduated from Northern Illinois University in 1992 with a B.S. in Meteorology, and has worked in the Chicago, Rockford, and Peoria, Illinois offices during her career. From 1994-2009 she was the Port Meteorological Officer (PMO) for the National Weather Service.
As PMO, Amy went aboard the freighters and tugs that ply the Great Lakes and trained them on how to take weather observations so that that the forecasters would have real time observations from the water. She also calibrated their weather equipment and taught them how to correctly use the National Weather Service products available online.
Amy enjoys doing outreach to the marine community, educating the boating public about the National Weather Service marine products available and how to use them, and talking about weather hazards on the water. Amy is also involved in the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, the U.S. Power Squadron, and the International Shipmasters Association.
nastepnie Etyka i Etykieta zeglarska-
20 Maja meteorologia ( Amy Seeley)
15 Maja- Nawigacja elektroniczna (Jerry Zablocki)
6 Maja- Nawigacja cd...
29 kwietnia – Nawigacja na mapie Piotr Lisiecki
06 maja – Warsztaty Zeglarskie
15 maja – Nawigacja elektroniczna z uzyciem Ipod, IPad, telefonow Jerry Zablocki
20 maja –Etyka i Etykieta Zeglarska, dobra praktyka morska
Kolejne spotkanie 27 Marca 2014 ,7 pm- juz za nami
z Marcinem Chojeckim " O teori żeglowania"
Art Galery Kafe,Wood Dale
było mnóstwo informacji i wesoła atmosfera..:)
poczytaj wiecej online w magazynie CHICAGO REWIA- tutaj